Parshat T’rumah
In this week’s parashah, T’rumah, God explains to Moshe in loving detail how to build the mishkan,God’s dwelling place on earth. The point is that, when it comes to bringing God into the world, the details count.
We know that that is true for us today as well. In constructing our spiritual lives — for example, in setting Shabbat apart from the rest of the week — it all comes down to the details. Broad principles are fine, but specific acts are what really make the difference.
But details count only if they are not the ultimate point. They make all the difference if and only if they express something deeper: an openness of heart. The parashah reminds us of that at the outset. The work of building the mishkan starts with “all whose hearts are willing.”
The purpose of religious life in all its richness and detail is to express a deeper openness –and more importantly perhaps — to keep our hearts open when they would otherwise tend to close. In that way, the details serve a deeper purpose: to make our hearts God’s dwelling place on earth.
- The New Shul’s Shabbat morning service is from 9 am to about 11:45 am. In accordance with the latest Covid guidance from the CDC, we require all those over the age of 2 to wear a mask while in our building. Our kiddush-lunch is outdoors, so masks are not required.
- This Shabbat morning, February 5, the kiddush-lunch will be sponsored by Sharon and Michael Klausner in honor of their 60th wedding anniversary.
- Weekday minyanim at The New Shul are on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm, and on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Kabbalat Shabbat is on Friday evenings at 6 pm at our rabbis’ home (please contact us for directions).
- The annual meeting of The New Shul community will be on Sunday March 6 at 10:30 am. All are invited.