The New Shul

For Children

Supporting Jewish family life is a priority for us. We encourage you to bring your children to shul on Shabbat, where they meet and connect with friends. Our services are extremely child-friendly, with infants, toddlers, and children of all ages welcome in our sanctuary. We integrate children into our services in ways that are appropriate to their ages, so that they can grow into prayer at their own pace, surrounded by adult role models.

For kids who need a break from the sanctuary, we provide child-friendly spaces upstairs, where you can listen to the service through an audio-feed while supervising your children.

Family Beit Midrash

The New Shul offers family-based learning in small groups. Participants in our Family Beit Midrash are grouped with other families with similar needs and interests, and children of similar ages, for weekly learning with Rabbi Wasserman or Rabbi Kanter. For more information, please call or contact us.