Parshat B’reisheet
In this week’s parashah, B’reisheet, God asks two questions of humanity. After Adam and Eve have eaten from the tree of knowledge, God asks Adam “Ayekah — Where are you?” Later, after Cain has killed his brother Abel, God asks Cain “Ay Hevel akhikhah — Where is Abel your brother?”
Those are the two essential questions that we struggled with during the Days of Awe: Where do we stand in relation to God, and where do we stand in relation to the people around us? Perhaps the Torah presents us with those questions here, at the very beginning of its narrative, to remind us that they are the essence of God’s call to us throughout the year. The deepest mitzvah, which underlies all other mitzvot, is to understand that we are accountable. All else flows from that.
Every Shabbat, we try to quiet the noise in our lives so that we can hear the still-small voice of Sinai whispering those questions: Where are you? and Where are your brothers and sisters?
- The New Shul’s Shabbat services are from 6 to 7 pm on Fridays, and from 9 am to noon on Saturdays. In accordance with the latest Covid guidance from the CDC, we require all those over the age of 2 to wear a mask while in our building.
- Childcare is available on Shabbat mornings from 10 am to noon.
- The kiddush this Shabbat, October 2, is sponsored by Cindy Mann and Michael Unger.
- Weekday minyanim at The New Shul are on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm, and on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am.