The New Shul

Caring for Others

As a community, we do our part to repair the world. We care for one another in times of need, and we work with a number of outside service agencies to reach out to the larger community.


Visiting Elders

Shabbat afternoons, at the Freedom Inn assisted-living facility.

Feeding the Hungry

On the Mondays of most three-day weekends, plus other secular holidays, at St. Vincent de Paul’s Jackson St. Dining Room. See calendar.

Holiday Gift Packages

Each year before the winter holidays, The New Shul community prepares gift packages for home-bound seniors and needy families with children (in cooperation with the Jewish Family and Children’s Services). See calendar.

Registering Stem-Cell Donors

American Jews are under-represented on the stem-cell donor registry.  The New Shul community solicits volunteers to register at community-wide events, through the Be-The-Match Foundation.